Tuesday, October 19, 2010

change nick, how do?

[14:26] 69781242: please dont make fun of me but i have no clue how to change my username
[14:26] 69781242: lulz
[14:26] cujo: HAHAHAHA
[14:26] cujo: point and laugh!

[14:26] 69781242: compooters are the downfall of me

[14:27] ubernachtung changed nickname to lolatthen00b

[14:27] 69781242: \jakey\
[14:27] sempervivum: lulz
[14:27] 69781242: that didnt work

[14:27] cujo: HAHAHA
[14:27] sempervivum: god retard
[14:27] lolatthen00b changed nickname to doingitwrong

[14:27] cujo:  /nick tool
[14:27] sempervivum:  /nick NICKNAME
[14:27] cujo: type that
[14:27] sempervivum changed nickname to retarded
[14:27] 69781242: \nick jakeycakes
[14:27] xitij: LOL
[14:27] retarded: not hard now is it

[14:27] xitij: ahahahahha
[14:27] bswizz31: ./nick i_m_weetawdeds
[14:27] 69781242: apparently is is
[14:27] cujo: jakeycakes.. really?
[14:28] doingitwrong changed nickname to trollistrollingtrolls
[14:28] retarded changed nickname to semper
[14:28] cujo: wow.. how about u pick a better name 1st
[14:28] 69781242: it was just a test
[14:28] broyoumad:    /nick hugefaggot_pleaserapemyface